Scott Gazzoli Scott Gazzoli

Gaining Momentum in 2021

It all begins with an idea.

Hello My Friends!

I hope your 2021 is off to an amazing start! Welcome to the official website of the Causing The Effect Podcast. I will be posting some thoughts and ideas here periodically because that’s what you’re supposed to do on blog posts.

I just wanted to quickly talk about the importance of momentum, particularly in the beginning of the year. Now is the time to start your year off strong and build that momentum! Momentum is essential to being productive. Momentum is the reason you have those days where you are working efficient and effectively without much effort. One technique I use is to focus on one single task at a time. Basically DO NOT multi-task. Multi-tasking works when you are trying to do a bunch of unimportant tasks mindlessly. For those tasks that take up some energy you are going to want to stick to that task at hand and FOCUS until it is completed. For me this is writing comedy daily. I try to bang out an hour a day and I always find it to be easiest when I sit down and do it in the morning. Another trick I use is to make Sunday’s a day of rest and planning. I use this day to set up my schedule for the week. This will give you a sense of ease that I find sets the tone for the entirety of my week. Use these techniques as small wins to start gaining momentum for your year and make this one count!

Your Guy


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